Registration Procedure Design Project and Research Project
As of the academic year 2017-2018, the registration for the final semester modules Design Project and Research Project takes place via a web form.
Here is the link to the web form.
You can register for a final semester module till two weeks before the start of the module. For the module Design Project Q1 2017-2018 the registration deadline is Sunday August 20th 24:00 hour.
After you have registered, the bureau of educational affairs (BOZ) will check whether you fulfill the pre-requisites for the final semester module. The pre-requisites are you have completed all compulsory modules plus your elective module (120 EC excluding ECs minor modules).
If you have fulfilled this requirement, BOZ will enroll you for the module you have registered. If you are in the process of completing your last module, the programme coordinator will check with the module coordinator if you are expected to pass this module, before approving enrollment for the final semester module.
If you are not expected to pass your last compulsory module and as a result experience a (large) gap in your study plan, contact your study adviser.